Welcome UE Local 1008 Members

This is the Question and Answer section our our site. This serves as a resource for you in case you have any questions in regards to your union, your membership and the contract we have signed with the company including all the stipulations stated therein. If you have specific questions that have not yet been answered in this site, please send an email to UELocal1008@rocketmail.com. We will do our best to answer your questions as accurately as possible.

Thursday, October 27, 2011



What is a CBA?

CBA stands for Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is a process of negotiations between employers (Longview and FCi Federal aka Fedconsulting Inc.) and the representatives of a unit of employees or the union (UE); aimed at reaching agreements to regulate working conditions. CBA usually set out wage scales, working hours, training, health and safety, grievance mechanisms and rights to participate in workplace and company affairs.
